About Greendale 1938-2003
After shopping at Galleria Greendale, you will certainly want to visit other stores in the vibrant Greeendale Historic Business District – several dozen unique shops and restaurants/cafes – and then tour the area. The Village of Greendale, now a National Historic Landmark, was founded in 1938, and is one of only three “Greenbelt Communities” in the U.S. built by the Franklin Roosevelt administration during the Depression. One of the main principles of a Greenbelt Community is walkable neighborhoods connecting residential areas with Village parks and the business district. Greendale’s “original” homes were part of this ambitious public housing project. The “originals,” built from concrete block, are unique to the community and were designed to look like an English garden village, hence Greendale’s nickname: the “garden community.” You might feel like you just stepped into a Norman Rockwell painting. In fact, we have our very own “Norman” sculpture that sits at the entrance to Broad Street (across from Village Hall) as our official welcoming icon.
The Historic Downtown District is composed of many independent, locally owned businesses that all support each other. Stroll through the business district and stop for a loaf of fresh bread, have lunch at one of our popular restaurants, enjoy a glass of your favorite beverage at our wine bar, pick up a homemade pizza from our famous Italian restaurant, take a yoga class, grab some homemade treats for your dog, and enjoy a scoop of delicious ice cream made in Madison, Wis. During the summer months, more than 40,000 flowers are planted annually along the downtown streets, in hanging baskets, in sidewalk beds and in storefront window boxes. Every season brings with it a fascinating lineup of special events: from parades, car shows, Farmers Markets, Gazebo concerts, garden walks, and holiday celebrations.
Greendale also offers historic and folk art chimney tours for the public. If you are interested in bringing a group to visit the Village, or would like general tour information, please visit greendalechimneytours.com. And the recent renovation of an “original” home by the Greendale Historical Society offers the chance to spend the night and experience how folks used to live 80+ years ago. There is so much to see – and DO – in Greendale. You are going to love our community!
For more information about Greendale’s 85th Anniversary, visit greendale.org and click on “Our Community” and then “Public Celebrations Committee.”